
Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

expectation vs reality


Between expectation and reality, there lies disappointment.

Or satisfaction, it depends.

"We always expect- from family, friends, loved ones, God and our self. I do not say it is wrong to expect something from your near ones; after all, they are the one with who you expect to be up to your level of demands. But what's wrong is that stressing your self when those expectations are not fulfilled.

Ask a question- why are you stressing your self when others do not live up to your expectations? They never say they would do this and do that, it was all you assumed.

You assumed that they will do it. You assumed that they will do anything to make you happy. You assumed that you are special for them. You are assumed that they care for you.

Your assumptions are not too wrong but it is not their fault if they don't do what you expected. They never promised you. Expecting too much is always difficult. You are being unfair."

-Tushar Agarwal

I should've known from the very first. I should've expect less. Now I'm torn.

5 komentar:

zufryy mengatakan...

"Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards, so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something--your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever--because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path, and that will make all the difference.“ Steve Jobs at Stanford Graduation Speech 2005

Percayalah2, si titik akan membuat garis yang ujungnya membahagiakan

Anonim mengatakan...

why you torn away?

klo dpat rezeki kita bersyukur,
klo dpat musibah kita bersabar,
insya Allah ada jalan keluar..

Anonim mengatakan...

temanya seperti cerpen yg pernah gue tulis nih nind. Seperti juga note yg prnh gue tls di fesbuk. Belajar menerima. Hal2 yg ideal dlm pikiran kita, hrs disesuaikan dg kenyataan yg seringkali tdk ideal. Hoho

Ecky Agassi mengatakan...

we learned, managing our expectation(s) is important :) *selfnote

Anindya Khairunnisa Zahra mengatakan...

@zufryy: berat dah jup. agak susah ngerti aye haha. but thanks anywaaay! :D

@achih: iya bener juga ya. makasih udah ngingetin chih hehe semangat TAnya! :D

@dhay: dhaaay, aku mau dong link cerpen n note-nya hehe :D

@eq: iyap q. belajar untuk cuma berharap sama Dia :D