
Senin, 28 Desember 2009

kayak nenek-nenek


Laporan liburan lagi :p hehehe

Cerita paling penting liburan kali ini adalah: saya diomelin sama mama dan mbah putri saya karena terlalu kurus katanya.. Huhu.. Berat tinggal 41kg, entah kenapa.. Ga ada sakit berat, apalagi belajar terlalu berat.. hehe tapi entah mengapa, terus turuuun… 46 jadi 44, 44 jadi 42, 42 jadi 40,5, naik lagi 42, akhirnya timbangan terakhir sebelum pulang cuma 41kg. Mama ngomel plus plus plus ngata-ngatain saya jelek kekurusan, pipinya ilang, kayak nenek-nenek, and so on, and so on… Hiks. Maen nengokin embah juga beneran diomelin.. Sebenernya ga ngomel sih, tapi baru kali itu mbah nasehatin saya berulang-ulang akan hal yang sama sampe kening berkerut-kerut. “Kamu, kurus banget.. Kayak kurang makan. Makan yang banyak! Nih mbah aja gemuk..” Hahaha.. Gaul banget deh mbah sekarang emang. Selama berpuluh2 tahun ini mendem di rumah, kemarin beliau udah mau diajak jalan-jalan sama saudara saya sampe Ancol, bahkan ke “the great” Mall of Indonesia itu. Wkwkkw saya aja belom pernah kesana >,<>

Balik lagi ke soal mama saya.. Beliau sampe (hampir) nyekokin tablet curcuma plus ke saya T.T.. Malem-malem saya udah tidur, dibangunin susah, rasanya maleeeeeeeees banget bangun.. “Ayo minum curcuma dulu nin bentar” saya cuma jawab setengah sadar “hhaahh? ngga usaah.. males… ngantuuuk” Setelah menggunakan jurus2nya (termasuk ngegelitikin saya) dan saya tetep kekeuh ga mau bangun, mama bilang “ayo nanti mama cekokin juga deh ini beneran..” Saya ampe nendang2 kasur kayak anak kecil saking males bangun, si mama tetep ga mau kalah “Ya, sana ngamuk deh.. ngga papa. tapi minum ini” Hhhh.. terpaksa duduk, liat, pake acara komplain “kok air putihnya dikit banget” :D, tapi tetep aja akhirnya diminum tanpa nambah air, terus langsung pules lagi.. Hahahaha payah dasar asli kebo -__-“

Setelah menginvestigasi saya, mama nyimpulin kalo saya kurus karena terlalu ngirit beli makanan, ga pernah sempet sarapan, ditambah lagi lupa/males beli makan malem.. Akhirnyaaa, saya dikasih dana tambahaaan!! *U* cihuyy :p katanya ini buat anin beli makan malem sama persediaan susu sebulan, ga boleh alesan males lagi.. Hyehehehe saya mah bahagia,, *dasar emang matreee* :9

Tapii.. dibalik semua cerita itu, ada yang bikin saya sediiiih banget.. Ceritanya gini, hari minggu saya harus balik ke jogja lagi kan mama udah masakin ayam goreng cabe ijo kesukaan saya, sama macaroni schuttel.. Nah, di perjalanan ke bandara, itu makanan belum sempet dipacking ke koper, secara saya pakcing cuma 20 menit karena baru balik dari nikahan temen saya. Nah, kotak macaroni udah masuk tas, eh ternyata ayam goreng cabe ijonya belom T.T saya ngga sadar. Lupa. Atau apalah itu disebutnya.. Tapi beneran itu ayam ketinggalan di mobil, bukan saya sengaja ninggalin.. Baru tau pas sampe kos, mba mita bilang “Mama nelpon tuh tadi katanya mau ngejitakin kamu udah ninggalin ayam goreng cabe ijonya”. Tessss.. AAAAAAAAAARGGH tidaaaaak.. ayamkuuuuu. Sedih banget rasanya. Terus nelpon mama, ternyata beliau lebih sedih lagi :’(

“Mama sebel sama anin, mama capek masak dari jam 10 sampe jam 4, kaki udah pegel banget, eh malah ditinggalin di mobil.”

“Yaampun ma, ketinggalan itu.. Aku juga ga sengaja”

“Mama sedih, ni udah sampe nangis.. Anin mah”

“Ma jangan nangis ntar aku ikutan nangis inii” *mata mulai brambang*

“Ah udah ah, mama sedih ngeliat kamu kurus kayak gitu, dibikinin makan capek-capek malah ditinggalin..”

“Ngga ditinggalin.. Beneraaan…”

“Abis kamu kesannya kayak males bawa ayamnya tadi”

“Ngga kok….” *sebenernya ada benernya, karena koper kecil udah penuh, tas juga udah berat banget rasanya.. Tapi tetep aja saya MAU bawa ayam itu ke jogjaaa!! T.T*

“Yaudah syukur deh kalo ngga, mama tutup dulu ya.. Assalamualaikum”

Terus.. tanpa nunggu jawaban saya, telponnya langsung ditutup.. HUEEEEEEEE :’( sedih. Sediiiih… Saya Cuma bisa sms “Ma, aku ga ninggalin.. beneran… maaf udh bikin mama nangis terus :’(“ Dan lalu.. Ternyata,, sampe sekarang, udah lewat 24 jam, sms itu belom juga dibales :’( sedih banget rasanya,, beneran.. Bikin orang yang paling kamu sayang sedih, bahkan sampe nangis… Rasanya sakit. Huhuhu saya kira masalah turun berat badan bukan masalah besar.. Tapi saya mungkin lupa untuk mikirin gimana perasaan mama saya… Orang yang paling saya sayang seluruh dunia.

Jadi, tadi rutinitas saya kembali terulang.. Pulang hampir maghrib… Ngelakuin ini itu sampe jam 8 baru inget belom makan, ngerasa ga laper, males keluar kos beli makan.. Kayak biasa. Kalo dulu saya bakal makan biscuit 1 cukup. Tapi tadi, saya beneran keinget mama. Bahkan untuk ngelawan rasa males beli makan saya sampe nangis, coba.. -__-“ Mungkin sepele bagi kebanyakan orang. Tapi kalo udah biasa kayak gitu, tanpa rasa lapar, ditambah tingkat imobilitas yang tinggi,, rasanya malaaaaaaaaas sekali untuk gerak. Dan tiba-tiba pengen nangis karena mikir, kalo aja saya masih di depok, ga usah pake beli makan segala.. Tinggal ambil.. Bahkan bisa minta disuapin. Huhuhu.. Betapa saya ini jauh dari rasa syukur ya? :’( Tapi akhirnya saya pergi keluar beli makan kok.. Paling ngga buat mama saya, yang ga pengen liat anaknya jelek kekurusan, pipinya ilang, kayak nenek-nenek..



11 komentar:

Fajrie mengatakan...

waduh si anin,, makan aja ampe dipaksa segala,, kasian tuh mamanya...
tubuh kan juga punya hak,, makan adalah salah satunya,, penuhi juga haknya, jangan cuma suruh ngelakuin kewajibannya aja,, hehehe

btw,, pertamax ,^^v

Anonim mengatakan...

oh gw udah liat fotonya anin yg kayak nenek-nenek..
yg di profil picture facebook kan?hehe..

anind mengatakan...

@fajrie: iya jrie.. kmrn mama ke jogja terus aku disuruh check up gt,, sampe ngecek tumor marker bwt deteksi kanker, cobaaa >< alhamdulillah normal :)

@achih: heee?? fotoku yg mana yg kayak nenek2?? huhuu.. waa harus segera dihapus! ><

Muhamad Fajar mengatakan...

Tebalik nin, gw hobi makan mulu tapi gak gemuk2

Ecky A. mengatakan...

nasib anaaak kooost..
~P Project...

berarti gak gw doang ye liat lo agak cungkring nind,ehehe

huhu, nyokapnya anin emang baik,

Anonim mengatakan...

blog ini pun semakin menjadi tua seperti nenek-nenek karena tidak di update..

anind mengatakan...

@ fajar: ayo jar semangat ngegemukin badan! aku udah naek 4-5 kg lhoo! haha tapi kalo cowo emang rada susah sih ya.. biasanya nikah dulu baru gendut, wkwkw

@ecky: bwahahaha hei kamu fans nyokapnya anin.. kapan2 maen lagi q. eia, doain.. mama lagi sakit,, sekarang masih recovery.. huhu aku pengen pulang :((

@ashlih: haha oke boss ntar pake anti aging therapy deh blognya biar tampak muda lagi.. haha kebiasaan baca blog orang tapi males komen atau nulis sih =.="

Ecky A. mengatakan...

semoga nyokap lo cepet sembuh nin

Anonim mengatakan...

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If you have been really researching for helpful information concerning [url=]Thoi trang nam[/url], then we feel this document may be what you are looking for. There are few things more aggravating than needing direction and not figuring out where to find it. There are many men and women who publish great content online, but they are not known, and that makes it very hard with trusting them. Probably just about everybody knows all too well with the online environment. What we will do for you is talk about some solid specifics regarding this topic, and you will be able to have a firm understanding of what to do next.

The relative complexities of women's and men's style

Both women and men could feel the pressures of keeping their wardrobe up-to-date and in season, yet men's fashion usually feels a lot less complicated. Of program, for both genders, clothes and fashion choices may be quite as elaborate, and there are several'stylish'items that can rapidly become fashion faux pas - who can say they often see people walking on in 70s flares? On the other hand, men's fashion features a few choice things that will exist forever - which man is planning to look out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Select basic cuts, colours and materials and you'll never seem out-of-place.

Why basic men's style is eternal

The classic man's suit has barely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are many varieties for different functions, nevertheless they are all popular in their search for a smart, sharp look for the wearer. The neat thing about traditional fashion for men is that it's effortlessly fashionable simply neat. A well-groomed man can more often than not appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this is a testament to the design of such clothing. A suit will undoubtedly be utilized to work in many jobs because of the professional look it offers to the wearer, instilling a sense of respect and confidence. Similarly a match will be used to many social situations, such as a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This extraordinary flexibility that enables matches to be used in almost all occasions is what gives it its classic border and a permanent place in men's fashion.

Modern trends in traditional men's fashion

Whilst classic men's styles can never be replaced, it's interesting to observe that shifts in men's fashion trends have brought certain classic clothes back into fashion. The acceptance of vintage clothing, especially, has brought back a wide-variety of classic designs into men's closets, such as that of the dandy man. 'Dandy'is a term used to refer to men who dress yourself in a classic yet expensive way, placing importance on appearance and working in a sophisticated manner. This development for almost'over-the-top'traditional fashion for men is evident from events such as the'Tweed Run', where men and women of all ages dress in particularly Victorian-style outfit and decide to try the roads on vintage cycles - with lots of the men wearing impressive mustaches! This is just one of many samples of research presenting the resurgence of such designs. There are also numerous blogs online which concentrate on gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as whole web sites such as'The Art of Manliness'focused on providing articles on traditional men's fashion and grooming.

In summary, although specific areas of common men's style can be cut back as new movements, the simple garments that they are based on will never slip out of fashion.

"All it takes certainly are a few simple costumes. And there is one secret - the easier the better." - Cary Grant

StyleGun is an online men's fashion retailer with a technical perspective.
Read More: [url=]thoi trang nam hot[/url]