
Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Love Your Kidneys!


Just yesterday, I found 2 patients died because of chronic kidney disease (CKD), in ONE day. Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun.. CKD is such a complicated disease that can involve all organs, from head to toe, and lead to death instantly.
Patient usually shows no symptoms until the severe stage. Because you know, our kidneys love us just too much that they will try hard to compensate until 3/4 part of them broke down.
So starting from now, would you please love them back? Simply by drinking plenty of water (2L per day) and observe your urine. If your urine is clear, you're good. But if it is yellowish brown, please please please drink more. Ah, and don't drink any energy drink, coffee, or tea too often because mineral water is your kidneys' BFF.

Hypertension and diabetes mellitus are two biggest enemy for your kidneys. Detect them early and put your shield on! What shield you ask? Lifestyle it is. Healthy diet, no smoking, regular exercise, and hakuna matata! Please tell this to your beloved ones.
Love your kidneys and be healthy! :)

“Take advantage of five matters before five other matters:
your youth, before you become old;
and your health, before you fall sick;
and your richness, before you become poor;
and your free time before you become busy;
and your life, before your death.”
(HR. Ibnu Abbas)

3 komentar:

dea alias dey mengatakan...

iya nin jadi inget kemarin pas di toilet perusahaan tempat training sampe ditempel penjelasan warna urindan jadi warning banget.. Kita kadang kebanyakan minum yang ga jelas daripada minum air putih..hihihi. ;p Terima kasih ibu dokteeer cantiiik!

Ecky Agassi mengatakan...

uh oh, i'm a tea addict, seems like i must reduce it properly, :(

thanks for the warn, nin :)

Anindya Khairunnisa Zahra mengatakan...

@dey: jempol buat deey! hehe eh dey btw, kamyuh di kubik bareng ka randy ya? haha aku liat foto2mu di fb :D

@eq: you're most welcome q hehe ingetin sodara2 mpok nyak babe juga ya :)