It’s been a while since the last post. Tiba-tiba terhenti begitu saja disana. Dan setelahnya, pas mau nulis lagi, I just forgot the password and couldn’t get it recovered. Habis itu sekarang nyoba lagi nebak2 eh kok bisa.. Apa mungkin dulu kurang niatnya ya? :))
So, how’s life? I hope things are going well for you. This pandemic may affect our lives dramatically or subconsciously. Dan ketika kita menganggap sudah terbiasa… saat naik lagi kasusnya, ternyata ngga. Ngga ada yang biasa dengan sebuah pandemi, at least for me.
I want to start writing again as a form of healing, or anything you name it. Clearing my head, sorting things out. Hopefully, it would also be beneficial. Pengennya nulis in english sekalian latihan.. tapi apa daya kadang kasih tak sampai. Jadilah macam anak2 jaksel gini yaudalahya :D
In this not-so-very-first post, I’d like to quote from my daughter’s current favourite book:
“… that in the great scheme of things, relationships are all that really matter. Everything else is fleeting. No one on their deathbed ever wished they’d spent more time at the office.
But it’s so easy to forget that in this frenetic world of ours. We get so busy driving that we don’t take time to get gas. We get so caught up in our work and our carpools and our to-dos that we forget to spend quality, face-to-face time with the living, breathing human beings all around us”
Quote tadi ada di parents’ corner buku yang judulnya Goob dan Kakeknya, atau Goob and His Grandpa. Salah satu dari seri 7 kebiasaan anak bahagia karya Sean Covey. Di buku itu diceritain gimana Goob merasa kehilangan kakeknya yang baru aja meninggal, dan gimana temen2nya ada disana untuk dia. Sweet. Bukunya bilingual, ilustrasinya bagus, ceritanya simpel tapi ngena, dan parents’ corner-nya nampol. Oh so many things you can learn from children’s books, indeed.
What I’m trying to say is that…. Jangan lupa bahagia... dan beramal. Ini macam self reminder sih sebenernya. Karena nin… What would you want if you were on your deathbed? :((
Well, it’s getting dark I should stop it right there… Hehe.
Then again, I sincerely hope things are going well for you :)